Thursday, September 21, 2006

CIETC Still in the News and Feeling "Abused"

CIETC issue not up to Vilsack, state says

(snip)"But Wednesday, Grant Dugdale of the Iowa attorney general's office informed CIETC's lawyers that the governor's responsibility is merely to ensure that the state has administrative procedures that allow for the resolution of such disputes. Nothing in the federal rules requires that the governor "play a personal role" in resolving those disputes, Dugdale said in a letter to CIETC attorney Jonathan Wilson.

Wilson has asserted that Vilsack should personally play a role resolving the issue."(/snip)

AG's office warns CIETC against contacting governor for appeal

(snip)"The letter also warns CIETC against contacting the governor directly again: "(T)he attorney general's office represents Gov. Vilsack and his office on matters relating to CIETC," Dugdale's letter reads.

Wilson contends the appeals process should not go through the Iowa Workforce Development - the agency he blames for allowing the funds to be misspent. Wilson said giving IWD the power to enforce its own bill makes CIETC feel "abused."(/snip)

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