Friday, November 03, 2006

Candidate under fire for ad (Hanusa)

Candidate under fire for ad
Mary Ann Hanusa, running for secretary of state, tries to tie her opponent to the CIETC salary scandal.

November 3, 2006

(snip)A newspaper advertisement in the race for Iowa secretary of state has stirred controversy in the camps of both candidates, with a familiar scandal at the center of it all.

Republican Mary Ann Hanusa launched the first of a five-day ad Monday in The Des Moines Register that makes a thinly veiled reference to her Democratic opponent, Michael Mauro, and CIETC, the disgraced public job-training agency whose top executives collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses.

The cartoon-style ad portrays the thoughts of a voter who recalls the Mauro name in association with CIETC.(/snip)

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